( dress: PNK Casual, shoes: Zara)
Exista femei care te hipnotizează prin simpla prezenta. Gandeste-te putin la prietena aia din grupul vostru care e mereu in centrul atentiei, cea care are intotdeauna parul aranjat, machiajul intact si zambetul pe buze, care e curtata de toti barbatii si invidiata in secret de toate femeile.
In metrou, pe strada, in parc, in club sau la cafeneaua preferata… astfel de femei sunt peste tot! Sunt cele dupa care intorci capul pe strada, sau cele pe care le urmaresti pe Facebook cum isi etaleaza corprurile perfecte, vacantele perfecte si vietile perfecte…
Daca te uiti atent la ele, vei observa ca majoritatea nu sunt inzestrate cu o frumusete debordanta, dar toate, absolute toate sunt femei cu ATITUDINE!
Aceste femei
stiu sa se faca remarcate pentru ca isi cunosc potentialul. Stiu sa se puna in
valoare si stiu sa se faca placute.
stiu ce gandesti… ca tu nu vei putea fi niciodata ca ele! Ca majoritatea sunt
femei cu bani, intretinute, care traiesc doar pentru a fi frumoase… Si totusi nu
sunt toate asa! Exista femei de cariera care isi platesc vizitele la salon prin
multe ore suplimentare, femei de afaceri care isi rasplatesc succesul unui
contract printr-o geanta Fendi, dar si femei care si-au dat ultimii bani pe “cea
mai frumoasa pereche de pantofi din lume”. Cu toate astea, succesul lor nu vine din
investitiile facute ci… din ATITUDINE!
Nici macar o
geanta Fendi nu te va salva, daca tu mergi pe strada cu capul plecat si nici cele
mai frumose tocuri din lume nu te vor “ridica”, daca tu te desconsideri. Pentru ca toate astea sunt doar accesorii, si
femeile alea pe care le admiri stiu asta, stiu ca ele investesc in accesorii pe
care le poarta cu ATITUDINE!
Asa ca daca
vrei sa schimbi ceva la tine, incepe cu ATITUDINEA! In primul rand fata de tine,
apoi fata de cei din jur!
Despre cum
sa-ti descoperi frumusetea interioara si cum sa-ti accepti defectele am
discutat deja…acum e timpul ca si ceilalti sa vada cat esti tu de minunata! Incepe prin a accepta complimentele. Atunci cand cineva iti admira tinuta, renunta la
scuzele de genul “ rochia asta veche…o aveam prin dulap de secole si am scos-o
de la naftalina…”. Un simplu “multumesc,
si mie imi place” e de ajuns! ! Tu ti-ai ales tinuta, te-ai uitat in oglinda
inainte de a iesi din casa, asuma-ti alegerea! Nu e nimic rau in a fi multumita
de tine, nu vei fi considerata nici ingamfata si nici fitoasa daca accepti un
Succesul tau
in viata incepe si se termina cu atitudinea pe care o ai. Daca iti doresti sa
ai succes, trebuie sa incepi sa te gandeşti la tine insuţi ca la o persoană de success
si rezultatele nu vor intarzia sa apara.
drumul pe podium e greu dar nu imposibil. Inarmeaza-te cu atitudinea potrivita si
nu uita de cel mai de pret accesoriu: zambetul!
Cu drag,
Ps: pentru postari noi intra pe http://cinderellaontherunway.wordpress.com
Some women
just hypnotize you with their presence. Think about that friend in your group
who is always the center of attention, who always has the most beautiful hair, the
intact makeup and the perfect smile on her face, who is courted by all men and secretly
envied by all women.
In the
subway, on the street, in the park, in the club or café ... these women are
everywhere! These are the women you head back on the street for, or the ones
that you are following on Facebook for their perfect bodies, perfect vacations and
perfect lives...
If you look
at them closely, you will notice that most are not endowed with exuberant beauty,
but what they all have is ATTITUDE!
These women
know how to get noticed because they know their potential. They know how to show
their value and know how to be an enjoyable company.
I know what you’re thinking ... you'll never be like them! Most of these women
are trophy wives, living just to be beautiful... Still not all of them! There are
also career women who pay the visits to the salon through overtime at the
office, business women who reward the success of a contract with a Fendi bag,
and women who gave their last money on "the most beautiful pair of shoes
in the world”. However, their success does not come from the investments they made
but from their ATTITUDE!
A Fendi
handbag will not save you, if you walk down the street with your head bowed, nor
the most beautiful heels in the world will "lift” you if you're feeling down. Those
women you admire know that all these accessories they are investing in are
nothing, if they don’t wear them with attitude!
So if you
want to change something, start with your ATTITUDE, first towards you, and then
towards those around you!
We already
discussed how to discover your inner beauty and how to accept your flaws... now
it's time for others to see how wonderful you are!
Begin by
accepting compliments. When someone admires your outfit, give up excuses like “this
old dress ... I had that in my wardrobe for centuries”. A simple “thank you, I
like it too” is enough! You have chosen your outfit, you looked in the mirror
before leaving the house, own your choice! There's nothing wrong with being
happy with yourself, you will not be considered presumptuous or infatuated if
you accept a compliment.
Your success
in life begins and ends with the attitude that you have. If you want to be successful,
you must begin to think of yourself as a successful person and the results will
Cinderella, life
on the runway is difficult but not impossible. Arm yourself with the right
attitude and do not forget the most important accessory: your smile!
Ps: For new posts, please visit: http://cinderellaontherunway.wordpress.com
( dress: PNK Casual, shoes: Zara)
Exista femei care te hipnotizează prin simpla prezenta. Gandeste-te putin la prietena aia din grupul vostru care e mereu in centrul atentiei, cea care are intotdeauna parul aranjat, machiajul intact si zambetul pe buze, care e curtata de toti barbatii si invidiata in secret de toate femeile.
In metrou, pe strada, in parc, in club sau la cafeneaua preferata… astfel de femei sunt peste tot! Sunt cele dupa care intorci capul pe strada, sau cele pe care le urmaresti pe Facebook cum isi etaleaza corprurile perfecte, vacantele perfecte si vietile perfecte…
Daca te uiti atent la ele, vei observa ca majoritatea nu sunt inzestrate cu o frumusete debordanta, dar toate, absolute toate sunt femei cu ATITUDINE!
Aceste femei
stiu sa se faca remarcate pentru ca isi cunosc potentialul. Stiu sa se puna in
valoare si stiu sa se faca placute.
stiu ce gandesti… ca tu nu vei putea fi niciodata ca ele! Ca majoritatea sunt
femei cu bani, intretinute, care traiesc doar pentru a fi frumoase… Si totusi nu
sunt toate asa! Exista femei de cariera care isi platesc vizitele la salon prin
multe ore suplimentare, femei de afaceri care isi rasplatesc succesul unui
contract printr-o geanta Fendi, dar si femei care si-au dat ultimii bani pe “cea
mai frumoasa pereche de pantofi din lume”. Cu toate astea, succesul lor nu vine din
investitiile facute ci… din ATITUDINE!
Nici macar o
geanta Fendi nu te va salva, daca tu mergi pe strada cu capul plecat si nici cele
mai frumose tocuri din lume nu te vor “ridica”, daca tu te desconsideri. Pentru ca toate astea sunt doar accesorii, si
femeile alea pe care le admiri stiu asta, stiu ca ele investesc in accesorii pe
care le poarta cu ATITUDINE!
Asa ca daca
vrei sa schimbi ceva la tine, incepe cu ATITUDINEA! In primul rand fata de tine,
apoi fata de cei din jur!
Despre cum
sa-ti descoperi frumusetea interioara si cum sa-ti accepti defectele am
discutat deja…acum e timpul ca si ceilalti sa vada cat esti tu de minunata! Incepe prin a accepta complimentele. Atunci cand cineva iti admira tinuta, renunta la
scuzele de genul “ rochia asta veche…o aveam prin dulap de secole si am scos-o
de la naftalina…”. Un simplu “multumesc,
si mie imi place” e de ajuns! ! Tu ti-ai ales tinuta, te-ai uitat in oglinda
inainte de a iesi din casa, asuma-ti alegerea! Nu e nimic rau in a fi multumita
de tine, nu vei fi considerata nici ingamfata si nici fitoasa daca accepti un
Succesul tau
in viata incepe si se termina cu atitudinea pe care o ai. Daca iti doresti sa
ai succes, trebuie sa incepi sa te gandeşti la tine insuţi ca la o persoană de success
si rezultatele nu vor intarzia sa apara.
drumul pe podium e greu dar nu imposibil. Inarmeaza-te cu atitudinea potrivita si
nu uita de cel mai de pret accesoriu: zambetul!
Cu drag,
Cu drag,
Ps: pentru postari noi intra pe http://cinderellaontherunway.wordpress.com
Some women
just hypnotize you with their presence. Think about that friend in your group
who is always the center of attention, who always has the most beautiful hair, the
intact makeup and the perfect smile on her face, who is courted by all men and secretly
envied by all women.
In the
subway, on the street, in the park, in the club or café ... these women are
everywhere! These are the women you head back on the street for, or the ones
that you are following on Facebook for their perfect bodies, perfect vacations and
perfect lives...
If you look
at them closely, you will notice that most are not endowed with exuberant beauty,
but what they all have is ATTITUDE!
These women
know how to get noticed because they know their potential. They know how to show
their value and know how to be an enjoyable company.
I know what you’re thinking ... you'll never be like them! Most of these women
are trophy wives, living just to be beautiful... Still not all of them! There are
also career women who pay the visits to the salon through overtime at the
office, business women who reward the success of a contract with a Fendi bag,
and women who gave their last money on "the most beautiful pair of shoes
in the world”. However, their success does not come from the investments they made
but from their ATTITUDE!
A Fendi
handbag will not save you, if you walk down the street with your head bowed, nor
the most beautiful heels in the world will "lift” you if you're feeling down. Those
women you admire know that all these accessories they are investing in are
nothing, if they don’t wear them with attitude!
So if you
want to change something, start with your ATTITUDE, first towards you, and then
towards those around you!
We already
discussed how to discover your inner beauty and how to accept your flaws... now
it's time for others to see how wonderful you are!
Begin by
accepting compliments. When someone admires your outfit, give up excuses like “this
old dress ... I had that in my wardrobe for centuries”. A simple “thank you, I
like it too” is enough! You have chosen your outfit, you looked in the mirror
before leaving the house, own your choice! There's nothing wrong with being
happy with yourself, you will not be considered presumptuous or infatuated if
you accept a compliment.
Your success
in life begins and ends with the attitude that you have. If you want to be successful,
you must begin to think of yourself as a successful person and the results will
Cinderella, life
on the runway is difficult but not impossible. Arm yourself with the right
attitude and do not forget the most important accessory: your smile!
Ps: For new posts, please visit: http://cinderellaontherunway.wordpress.com
Ps: For new posts, please visit: http://cinderellaontherunway.wordpress.com
cel mai bun articol de pana acum! l-am citit si m am vazut pe mine!:*