(skirt: PNK Casual; blouse, shoes, blazer: Zara; necklace: BijouBrigitte)
moda…numai de bine! Asta pana deschizi dulapul si realizezi ca nici azi nu ai
cu ce sa te imbraci…camasa alba preferata s-a cam ingalbenit si fusta visinie iti intra doar pe un picior. Te
hotarasti la rochia cu buline, dar iti aduci rapid aminte ca afara ploua si ai
nevoie de ceva mai gros...tragi clasicii jeansi pe tine, un tricou negru si
cardiganul, arunci doua-trei accesorii si iesi pe usa bombanind…ca nu ti-ai mai
cumparat de secole ceva nou, ca trece sezonul pana apuci tu sa-ti iei noii Air
Max, ca parca nu-ti vine sa muncesti doua luni gratis pentru ei, ca viata e
nedreapta si moda n-ar trebui sa fie pe bani…
problema nu e la tine in dulap si nici in portofel! Problema e la cat de
nesigura te simti tu in ziua aia si cat de mult ai nevoie sa te agati de o
tinuta “traznet” ca sa te simti bine.
Fara sa-ti dai seama, hainele ascund sufletul!
De cate ori n-ai dat iama in magazine doar pentru ca ai avut o zi proasta,
constienta de faptul ca “o sesiune de
shopping e mai ieftina ca una la psiholog” si cum te-ai simtit cand ti-ai
cumparat “cei mai frumosi pantofi din lume” sau “cea mai tare rochie”?
Sentimentul asta de “cel mai” dureaza in medie cam doua zile si vreo 10
complimente…apoi problemele revin si simti din nou ca ai sufletul la fel de gol
ca si dulapul.
ca femeile poarta in medie doar 25% din hainele pe care le detin? Asta pentru
ca tindem mereu sa ne cumparam lucruri noi incercand sa umplem “golul"
hainele nu-ti vor rezolva problemele! Asta doar tu poti sa o faci! Lacrimile nu
se sterg cu matase, se sterg cu incredere si zambet!
curat in dulap si in suflet! O sa descoperi lucruri uitate, de care iti era dor
si pe care o sa le porti cu drag, dar si lucruri de care iti va fi greu sa te
desparti desi stii ca nu mai fac parte din viata ta! Arunca tot ce-ti face rau,
tot ce nu te lasa sa fii fericita! Fara remuscari!
Fa loc lucrurilor frumoase!
nu uita: o femeie fericita, va fi apreciata indiferent de hainele pe care le
have only good words for fashion! That is until you open your closet and
realize that you don’t have anything to wear...your favorite white shirt is a
little yellow and your purple skirt is bit small. You decide on the polka dots
dress, but you quickly remember that it’s raining and you need something
thicker. So you pull out your classics jeans, a black shirt and a cardigan, you
throw two or three accessories and get out the door rattling about how you
haven’t bought something new for centuries, how the season goes by and you didn’t
get the chance to get your new Air Max, how you may need to work for free the
next two months to own them, and how life is unfair and you shouldn’t pay for
the problem is neither in your closet nor in your wallet! The problem is how
unsafe you feel that day and how much you need to “cling” to an outfit to feel
better. Do you realize that clothes hide the soul! How many times have you
raided stores just because you had a bad day, well aware of the fact that “shopping
is cheaper than a psychiatrist " and how did you feel when you bought
"the beautiful shoes in the world" or "the hottest dress"? That
“the most” feeling lasts about two days and 10 compliments...then problems come
back again and again you feel you heart as empty as your closet.
you know that women wear on average only 25% of the clothes they own? That's
because we tend to always buy new things to fill in the “gap”.
clothes will not solve your problems! You are the only one that can do that! Don’t
wipe your tears with silk, wipe them with confidence and smile!
your closet and your soul! You'll find things forgotten that you missed and you
will wear with love and things that will be hard let go although you know they
are no longer part of your life! Throw away everything that is bad, everything
that does doesn’t let you be happy! Without remorse! Make way for the beautiful
don’t forget: a happy woman will be appreciated regardless of the clothes she wears!
Ps: For new posts, please visit: http://cinderellaontherunway.wordpress.com
Esti atat de dulce cu acest outfit!!!<3
ReplyDeleteTotul arata perfect impreuna, iar zambetul tau te face mai mult decat frumoasa!
Multumesc mult, Yarina!