(jeans, sweater: Zara; shoes: Lacoste, hat: no name)
Viata pe podium e grea, mai
ales atunci cand te impiedici si cazi…pentru ca nu stii daca mai poti sa te
ridici, pentru ca ai cazut din nou, desi ti-ai promis ca nu ti se va mai
intampla niciodata…pentru ca nu stii daca cei din jur te compatimesc sau rad de
tine in secret, daca vei gasi o mana de care sa te sprijini sau te vei lovi de
un zid de ironie.
Cenusareaso, sa cazi e cel
mai bun lucru care ti se putea intampla! Nu te grabi sa te ridici, e cel mai
bun moment sa descoperi daca ti-ai investit sentimentele in oameni care au
meritat asta, daca ai un sot sau un iubit dedicat, daca ai prieteni adevarati,
daca esti iubita si apreciata chiar si atunci cand dai de greu.
Indiferent de raspuns,
adu-ti aminte ca puterea cea mai mare e in tine! Sigur, e bine sa ai un umar pe
care sa plangi, dar cei care te iubesc nu vor sa te vada trista…pentru ei si
pentru tine, ridica-te singura!
O sa-mi spui ca nu poti, ca
e prea greu, e prea mult…
E greu, e mult, dar nu
imposibil! In astfel de momente, cand presiunea te apasa, cand nu gasesti
solutii, cand simti ca nu mai poti…cel mai bun lucru pe care il poti face este
sa evadezi…din birou, din casa, din oras, din mijlocul problemelor…
Cauta un loc linistit, in
mijlocul naturii, admira peisajul, simte mirosul ierbii si mangaierea soarelui
de pe obraz, asculta fosnetul frunzelor. Acolo problemele nu exista, acolo esti
tu cu tine!
Tu ai puterea sa opresti
timpul in loc, sa nu mai existe nici “ieri”, nici “maine”, ci doar “azi”. Tu, azi,
Tu, azi, aici, esti
fericita! Natura nu te judeca, natura nu te invidiaza si nu te cearta. Natura
te sustine, te consoleaza si iti da putere!
Habar n-ai tu, Cenusareaso,
ce norocoasa esti! Atata timp cat ochii tai inca mai vad covorul de culori, atata
timp cat urechile tale aud fosnetul frunzelor, atata timp cat pielea ta simte
mangaierea soarelui, inseamna ca stii sa traiesti frumos! Si atata timp cat
stii sa traiesti frumos, vei reusi cu siguranta sa te ridici!
Curaj, Cenusareaso! Podiumul
e lung si plin de obstacole, dar tu devii mai puternica si mai inteleapta cu
fiecare pas, asa ca ridica-te, aranjeaza-ti fusta, pudreaza-ti nasul si mergi
inainte…ceva minunat urmeaza sa se intample!
Cu drag,
Life on the runway is hard,
especially when you fall down... because you do not know if you can still get
up, because you fell again, although you have promised yourself you won’t let
that happen again... because you wonder if others pity you or laugh at you in
secret, if someone will give you a hand or you will hit a wall of irony.
falling was the best thing that could happen to you! Do not rush to get up,
it's the perfect time to discover if you've invested feelings in people who
have earned it, if you have a dedicated husband or a boyfriend, if you have
real friends, if you're loved and appreciated even when you are down.
the answer, remember that the greatest power is you! Sure, it's good to have a
shoulder to cry on, but those who love you do not want to see you sad...for
them and for you, get up alone!
will tell me you can’t; it's too hard, too much...
hard, it takes forever, but it’s not impossible! In such times, when the
pressure hits you, when you can’t find solutions, when you feel like you go
on...the best thing you can do is to escape ... from the office, from home,
from town, from the problems...
a quiet place in nature, scenery, smell the grass and feel the sun caress your
cheek, and listen to the rustle of leaves. Here you have no problems; here you
are alone with yourself!
you have the power to stop time, there is no “yesterday” or “tomorrow”, but
only “today “. You, here, today!
here, today, happy! Nature doesn’t judge you, doesn’t get jealous at you and doesn’t
argue. Nature supports you, gives you hope and strength!
you have no idea how lucky you are! As long as your eyes still see the carpet
of color, as long as your ears still here the rustle of leaves, as long as your
skin still feels the touch of the sun, it means you know how to live beautifully!
And as long as you know how to live beautifully, you'll definitely be able to
get up!
brave, Cinderella! The runway is long and full of obstacles, but you become
stronger and wiser with each step , so get up, fix your skirt, powdered your
nose and move on ... something wonderful is about to happen!
tu mi dedici mie blog-ul asta?:) I love you:*
ReplyDeletesuperba tinuta,ador blugii <3
ReplyDeletete invit pe blogul meu....daca ai placerea ne putem urmari reciproc..poopici
Multumesc, Mia! Cu drag!