Cand te-ai privit ultima oara in oglinda? Inainte sa pleci din casa spre prima intalnire? In
masina, in drum spre serviciu? Si mai ales de ce ai facut-o? Ti-ai aranjat parul? Ti-ai pudrat nasul? Stiu, ai vrut sa te asiguri ca vei arata bine
in fata celorlalti.
Tu realizezi ca mereu te uiti in oglinda…pentru altii? Suntem
atat de obsedati de cum aratam si ne este atat de frica sa nu fim judecati
incat uitam…de noi.
Spuneam in articolul trecut ca
primul pas spre frumusete vine din interior. Trebuie sa ajungi sa te iubesti pe tine! Si
asta nu se va intampla daca tu in fiecare dimineata cand te machiezi te gandesti
ce nas mare ai si ce ochi bulbucati si nu vezi altceva decat vulcanul ala imens de pe frunte care sta sa erupa si pe care il mai acoperi
putin cu niste fond de ten, ca poate asa va scapa de ochii curiosi ai colegilor. Pentru ca seara, cand ajungi acasa si dai jos tot machiajul ala, ramai
doar tu, cu tine! Si daca tu nu crezi ca nasul ala mare e parte din farmecul tau, ca ochii aia
bulbucati au o culoare deosebita si ca toate trec…chiar si cosurile, atunci esti
o nefericita! O sa iti petreci seara rasfoind reviste cu femei perfecte, invidiindu-le formele si
gandindu-te ca viata n-a fost dreapta cu tine.
Cenusareaso, in primul rand
femeile din reviste nu sunt perfecte, sunt doar photoshopate! Si ele au cosuri,
celulita si mai mult ca sigur ulcer. In al doilea rand, viata ne ofera tuturor
posibilitati. Trebuie doar sa stim sa profitam de ele. Asa ca maine dimineata
uita-te in oglinda din nou. Dar de data asta fa-o pentru tine! Inainte de a
pune orice urma de machiaj, uita-te atent la tine! Nu te machia doar ca sa-ti acoperi imperfectiunile, machiaza-te pentru tine! Acum stii deja cat
esti de frumoasa, machiajul e doar o ustensila prin care sa iti arati
frumusetea. Putin fond de ten ca sa iti luminezi tenul, poate si un eye-liner,
ca sa oferi privirii tale mai multa intensitate si sa iti scoti in evidenta culoarea
superba a ochilor. Si binenteles, rujul fuchsia, care arata atat de bine pe
buzele tale perfecte si se potriveste de minune cu tinuta monocroma de azi.
Gata, esti frumoasa si tu stii asta! Azi pleci de acasa cu o noua
atitudine si s-ar putea sa fie ziua ta norocoasa…dar despre atitudine si despre
cat de mult conteaza ea, intr-un episod viitor!
Cu drag,
(EN)When was the last time you looked in the mirror? Before you leave home on
your first date? In the car, on your way to work? But the question is: why did
you do it? Was it to fix your hair? Was it to powder your nose? I know for sure
you wanted to look good in front of others.
You realize you're always looking in the mirror ... for others? We are
so obsessed with how we look and we are so afraid to be judged that we forget
... about us.
In my previous
post I said that the first step towards beauty comes from within. You have to
fall in love with yourself! And that will not happen if during your morning
make-up routine you only think about your big nose and bulging eyes and the
only thing you see is that giant volcano on your forehead that you decide to
cover with more foundation so maybe it will escape the wondering eyes of your colleagues. For
in the evening, when you get home and take all that makeup off, the only thing
left is you... and if you do not think your nose is part of your charm, if you do not
think your bulging eyes have the best color in the world and that all evils
pass... even pimples, then you are so unfortunate! You’ll spend the evening
looking through magazines and thinking about how perfect are those women and
how life was so unfair to you.
Cinderella, first of all, those women in magazines are not perfect, it’s
just Photoshop. They also have pimples, cellulite and most certainly an ulcer. Second,
life is full of possibilities. You just have to know how to take advantage of
them. So tomorrow morning look in the mirror again. But this time do it for you.
Before putting any trace of makeup, look closely at you. Do not wear makeup
just to cover your imperfections, wear makeup for yourself! Now you already
know you're beautiful, makeup is just a tool that you use to show your beauty. Put
on some concealer to brighten your face. Maybe some eye -liner to give your
eyes more intensity and highlight your gorgeous eye color. And of course, that fuchsia
lipstick that looks so good on your perfect lips and fits well with today's
monochrome outfit.
Okay, you're beautiful and you know it! Today you go out with a new
attitude and this might be your lucky day ... but about attitude and its
importance in a future post!
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