(shoes&jumpsuit: Zara; hat: H&M; bag: New Look; necklace: Six)
trecuta am participat la concursul de Street Style organizat de Revista
Glamour, unde am castigat locul 3. Am ales o tinuta simpla, dar eleganta, cu gand
de vacanta si aer de Riviera Franceza.
initial m-am inscris mai mult din dorinta de socializare si de a petrece
frumos alaturi de prieteni, se pare ca tinuta mea a fost apreciata de membrii
juriului, lucru care m-a onorat, in special deoarece din juriu au facut parte,
printre altii, Dana Rogoz si celebrele Fabulous Muses, Alina Tanasa si Diana
Enciu, ale caror aventuri in lumea virtuala le urmaresc cu mare interes.
reusit sa ma fotografiez atat cu Dana cat si cu Muzele Fabuloase, cu Dana chiar
am discutat putin si am ramas frumos impresionata de simplitatea, naturaletea
si energia pozitiva pe care o emana.
este o femeie puternica de la care toate avem de invatat. Desi a trecut recent
printr-un moment tragic in familie, a stiut sa-si mascheze tristetea, sa isi
ridice capul si sa iasa in lume, sa fie stralucitoare si sa aduca putina
bucurie unor ilustre necunoscute care vroiau sa straluceasca si ele pentru o
a fost unul foarte reusit. Cu rasfat de hair & makep-up, cu prezentari de
moda si cu multe cadouri.
sa le multumesc organizatorilor, juriului si sponsorilor pentru premii: celor
de la Toshiba pentru hardul extern
de care chiar aveam nevoie si celor de la Marionnaud
pentru parfumul Lancome care se
afla deja pe lista mea de achizitii pentru vara asta si pentru cosmeticele
profesionale de la Make-Up Studio, o
marca de care nu auzisem dar care m-a convins prin calitate.
multumesc si prietenelor mele care imi sunt mereu alaturi, pentru zambete si
sustinere, dar mai ales ii multumesc sotului meu pentru sprijinul neconditionat
pe care mi-l ofera intotdeauna si pentru fotografiile minunate.
imi multumesc mie, pentru initiativa si curaj. Pentru ca mi-am depasit
limitele, pentru ca am incercat si pentru ca mi-am oferit o seara de fericire.
oricand esti trista, cand nu mai faci fata problemelor, cand simti ca viata
trece pe langa tine, fa-ti un cadou. Dar
nu orice fel de cadou, ci un cadou inedit, ceva ce nu ai mai facut, ceva ce te
va scoate din zona de comfort, ceva ce iti doresti in secret, dar crezi ca nu
ai putea face. Fa-ti curaj si s-ar putea
sa ai parte de experienta vietii tale!
Last week I participated in the Street
Style Contest organized by Glamour Magazine, where I won 3rd place. I chose a
simple but elegant outfit, inspired by the vacation breeze and French Riviera.
initially I joined more from the desire to entertain and socialize with
friends, it seems that my outfit was appreciated by the jury, which honored me,
especially because the jury was made up of, among others, Dana Rogoz and famous
Fabulous Muses, Alina Tanasa and Diana Enciu, whose adventures in the virtual
world I’m following with great interest.
managed to take pictures both with Dana and the Fabulous Muses. I even talked a
little with Dana and I was pretty impressed by the simplicity, naturalness and
positive energy she exudes.
is a strong woman that we all have to learn from. Although it has recently gone
through a tragic event in the family, she knew how to conceal her sadness, he
raises his head high, and she went out in the world all glammed up and brought some
joy to some illustrious strangers who wanted to shine as well for one day.
event was very successful. We were offered pampering hair & makep-up, fashion
shows and lots of gifts.
would like to thank the organizers, judges and sponsors for the prizes: the
external hard drive from Toshiba
that I needed and those in Marionnaud
for the Lancome fragrance that was
already on my list for this summer and for the professional cosmetics from Make-Up Studio, a brand that I had not
heard but that convinced me with their product quality.
would also like to thank my friends that are always there, for the smiles and
support, and my husband for supporting me unconditionally and for all the great
I would like to thank myself for the initiative and the courage. Because I have
exceeded my limits, and I offered myself an evening of happiness.
whenever you're sad, when you feel that life is passing you, do yourself a
gift. But not just any gift, but a unique one, something you've never done, something
that will get you out of your comfort zone, something you always wanted in
secret, but you didn’t think you could do. Be brave and you might have the
experience of a lifetime!
Ps: For new posts, please visit: http://cinderellaontherunway.wordpress.com
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