Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Head over heels!

                                (blouse, pants, heels: ZARA; french beret: Buzdu Bijoux)

“Nu stiu cine a inventat tocurile, insa toate femeile ii sunt datoare” spunea Marilyn Monroe si mare dreptate avea. Tocurile sunt arma ta secreta! De cate ori nu te-au scos din cele mai grele situatii?

Ti-au “resuscitat” tinuta, atunci cand credeai ca totul e pierdut si ca nu poti sa mergi la petrecere cu rochia asta cu doua numere mai mare…dar cine se mai uita la rochie cu asa pantofi!

Ti-au fost alaturi dupa Marea Despartire, cand te credeai urata si proasta si grasa si nu credeai ca vreun barbat te va mai admira vreodata. Ti-au oferit curajul de a iesi in lume, putin mai increzatoare in tine si mai sexy si iata ca acum le datorezi 5 ani de casnicie!

Te-au insotit zi de zi la birou si ti-au adus aminte ca mai inainte de a fi robot esti femeie! Si parca nici tipetele sefului nu se mai aud atat de tare acolo sus…

Obsesia ta pentru tocuri a inceput in copilarie cand probai pe furis pantofii mamei, visand la ziua cand vei avea intreaga lume la picioare. Nimeni nu ti-a spus atunci ca viata e grea si ca e nevoie de mai mult decat de o pereche de pantofi sa ajungi sus. Cu toate astea, te-ai incapatanat sa-ti umpli dulapul de tocuri, in incercarea obsesiva de a reinvia sentimentul ala de fetita care avea un ideal. Si chiar daca nu a functionat, macar ai gasit un prieten care te ajuta neconditionat.

Cu toate astea, am intalnit femei care desi isi doresc foarte mult,  refuza sa poarte tocuri din simplul motiv ca sunt incomode sau ca nu le ofera stabilitate. Considera ca ar arata caraghios cocotate si prefera sa admire tocurile in picioarele si in atitudinea celor din jur.

Louboutin spunea ca “tocurile inalte sunt placere cu durere”. Depinde de tine daca esti dispusa sa platesti acesti mic pret.  Eu zic ca merita sa incerci, dar trebuie sa tii cont de cateva aspect atunci cand iti alegi noul “cel mai bun prieten”:
  •  Tocul trebuie sa aiba marimea potrivita. Tocurile foarte mici nu ofera aceeasi eleganta ca cele mari. Tine cont de modelul pantofului si lungimea piciorului. Daca porti un numar mare, pantofii cu toc mic iti vor alungi si mai mult piciorul. Tocurile foarte mari nu ofera intotdeauna stabilitate si daca nu le combini cu tinuta potrivita pot sa iti dea un aspect vulgar.
  • Tine cont de marimea gleznelor in special atunci cand iti alegi modele cu bareta. Pantoful cu toc trebuie sa imbrace frumos piciorul, sa-i ofere eleganta.
  •  E de preferat sa probezi orice pantof inainte de a-l achizitiona. Stiu ca sunt multe modele care iti fac cu ochiul de pe site-urile internationale, dar daca nu iti cunosti piciorul foarte bine, risti sa ai surprize.

Cenusareaso, de cate ori ai o zi proasta si vrei sa-ti ridici moralul, urca-te pe tocuri si priveste viata de la inaltime.

“Sus pe toc” viata e altfel, privesti totul cu incredere si optimism si problemele par mai mici. Orice e posibil cu perechea potrivita de tocuri!

Tot Marilyn Monroe spunea “da-i unei fete perechea de pantofi potrivita si va cuceri lumea”. Sunt sigura ca se referea la pantofii cu toc….

Cu drag,

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(EN) "I don’t know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot" said Marilyn Monroe and she was so right. Heels are your secret weapon! How many times have you used them to get out of the toughest situations?

Heels have “revived” your outfit when you thought all was lost and you can’t possibly go to the party with this two sized dress... but who is looking to at your dress now when you have those shoes!

Heels have been with you through your “Great Brake Up”, when you thought you were ugly and fat and stupid, and that no man will ever like you again. They gave courage to get out there, a little more confident and sexier and now you owe them five years of happy marriage!
Heels have been with you every day at work and they have remembered you that before being a robot you’re a woman! And you can’t even hear your boss scream, this is how high they have taken you.

Your obsession with heels began in childhood when you used to try on your mother’s shoes dreaming of the day when you have the whole world at your feet. No one told you that life is hard and it takes more than a pair of shoes to conquer the world. Since then, you have stubbornly filled your closet with heels in an attempt to revive that feeling of a little girl who had an ideal. And even if it didn’t work, at least you found a friend who helps you unconditionally.

However, I have met women who even if they really want it,they refuse to wear heels just because they are uncomfortable and do not offer stability. They consider to be looking silly and prefer to admire heels in the feet and attitudes of others.

Louboutin said that "high heels are pleasure with pain." It’s up to you if you are willing to pay this small price. I say it’s worth it, but keep in mind some aspect when choosing your new “best friend”

  • Heels should have the right size frame. Very low heels do not offer the same elegance as high heels do. Consider the model of the shoe and your size when buying a pair of low heels. If you wear a big shoe size, low-heeled shoes will make your feet look even longer. Very high heel don’t always offer stability and if you don’t choose the right outfit, they can make you look cheap.
  • Consider the size of your ankles especially when choosing strap heels. Heels must beautifully dress your leg and make it elegant.
  •  It's best to try on any shoe before you buy it. I know there are many models that make your eye on the international sites, but if you don’t know your feet very well, you take on some risks.

Cinderella, whenever you have a bad day and want to cheer yourself up, put on those heels and look at life from up there.

"Up on the heel" life is better, you are more confident and optimism and problems seem smaller. Anything is possible with the right pair of heels!

Marilyn Monroe also said to "Give a girl the right pair of shoes and will conquer the world." I'm pretty sure she really meant “heels”...


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  1. Super, Anca! Imi place cum scrii si ce spui! Desi si eu sunt din categoria care nu poarta toc pentru ca este mult prea obositor, plus ca am probleme cu coloana si cu talpile (platfus)... Desi nu am cautat prea mult, cred ca sunt niste tocuri potrivite si pentru mine, cele cu tocul mai lat/gros la baza. Dar ma solicita mult si am lasat balta. Oricum, faptul ca imbini moda/fashionul cu ridicarea moralului imi place! :) Si mai ales imi place ca t eimbraci cu gust. Poate ar trebui sa vii si cu mine la shopping ...:D

    1. Multumesc mult, Cata! Cu mare drag te insotesc, oricand. Te pup!
